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The Disco DAD323 dicing saw can be used to cut a variety of materials such as silicon, glass, sapphire, etc. The substrate size is limited to 150 mm diameter and height to less than 5 mm. The rotating high speed blade makes a precise cut through the substrate which is mounted on adhesive tape. Samples should be able to withstand a high flow of water (water is used to keep the blade from getting hot). The instrument can either run in manual mode or automatic mode to make repetitve cuts at precise spacing.
IMSE provides standard blades for cutting most types of materials and the cost is included in the instrument charges. Users are also allowed to bring their own. Currently, IMSE staff is responsible for changing the blades for all users.
IMSE Contact & Approved Trainer:
Rahul Gupta (
Training Documents:
NOTE: User must demonstrate skills to IMSE staff before independent use.
Operating instructions
Technical Info:
Instrument Specifications
Disco Blade Z09 Specifications
Disco Blade R07 Specifications