The data in this folder are from this publication: 2020 Sehlke, A., A.M. Hofmeister, and A.G. Whittington. Thermal Properties of glassy and Molten Planetary Candidate Lavas. Planetary and Space Science 193, Paper 105089. . Keywords: Thermal diffusivity; Heat capacity; Thermal conductivity; Tholeiites; Mantle Data collected at Washington University, St. Louis, MO. The tables represent all thermal data collected. This project was supported by the National Science Foundation through grant EAR-1321857 to AMH, by NASA through grants PGGNNX12AO44G to AGW and 80NSSC19K1010 to AS, and by SSERVIFINESSE (Field Investigation to Enable Solar System Science and Exploration, PI J.L. Heldmann) at NASA Ames Research Center. Files of all tables are both MS word and excell formats. The contents are: Table 1. Samples Table 2. Electron Microprobe analyses Table 3. heat capacity data Table 4. fits to heat capacity data Table 5. Thermal diffusivity data Table 6. Fits to thermal diffusivity vs temp Table 7. Fits to thermal conductivity vs temp The xxxx.prn files are ascii files of the spectral data of the samples listed in table 1. These are not baseline corrected; Format is the left column is in wavenumbers and the right column is in absorbance units (base 10).