SEPA Project Stages
January - February 1997
Ten seismographs were deployed during January and February of 1997. Five stations were located in Chilean Patagonia and five in the Antarctic Peninsula region. Each station consists of a Streckheisen STS-2 broadband seismograph and a PASSCAL program of IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions in Seismology); a tenth seismograph is owned by Washington University.
The field team consisted of:
- Douglas Wiens, Washington University
- Emilio Vera, Universidad de Chile
- Sergio Barrientos, Universidad de Chile
- Patrick Shore, Washington University
- Gonzalo Perez, Universidad de Chile
- Paul Friberg, PASSCAL Instrument Center
- George Helffrich, Bristol University (UK)
- Erich Roth, Washington University
The Antarctic instruments were deployed by flying to Frei Base
on King George Island aboard a Chilean Air Force C-130. Other bases and remote sites were reached using the Chilean Navy ship ISAZA, coordinated by the Instituto Antártico Chileno (INACH).
December 1997 - January 1998
During the 1997-1998 Antarctic summer, a second trip was made to service the ten stations, retrieve data, and install one new seismometer on Low Island.
The field team consisted of:
- Patrick Shore, Washington University
- Stacey Robertson, Washington University
- Kenneth Lein, Universidad de Chile
The R/V Abel-J, a small research ship, transported the team from Puerto Williams, Chile, to the Antarctic field sites. The team visited the previously installed Patagonian and Antarctic sites before installing the new station on Low Island (LOWI).
December 1998 - January 1999:
A third trip was made during the 1998-1999 Antarctic summer. Four of the Patagonia stations were removed, leaving only Puerto de Hambre (HAMB). The six Antarctic sites were serviced using the R/V Laurence M. Gould, and one new site was installed at Spring Point (SPPT). LeRoy Dorman of Scripps Institute of Oceanography also deployed fourteen ocean bottom seismometers (OBS's). The OBS's were removed in May of 1999 from the ship R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer.
The field team consisted of:
- Douglas Wiens, Washington University
- Stacey Robertson, Washington University
- Rodrigo Adaros, Universidad de Chile
- Raul Rodriguez, Universidad de Chile
December 1999 - January 2000
A fourth trip was made during the 1999-2000 Antarctic summer. Puerto de Hambre was serviced in Patagonia. Four of the Antarctic sites were removed, leaving three stations that continue to operate: O'Higgins (OHIG), Prat (PRAT) and Frei (FREI). The servicing trip was performed using the R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer.
The field team consisted of:
- Patrick Shore, Washington University
- Rodrigo Adaros, Universidad de Chile
November - December 2001
In the fifth and final trip, the remaining three stations (OHIG, PRAT, and FREI) were removed.
The field team consisted of:
- Stacey Robertson, Washington University
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