Spectral files to accompany the paper by Pitman, Hofmeister, Corman, and Speck:

"Optical properties of silicon carbide for astrophysical applications. I. New laboratory infrared reflectance spectra and optical constants" Astronomy and Astrophysics (2008).

Download Low Resolution (105 wavelength point) Data Files Here

Download High Resolution (4000 wavenumber point) Data Files Here

Description of Low Resolution Files:

betasic.dat is tab delimited text of the optical constants (real and imaginary indices of refraction) for the (3C-) β-SiC chemical vapor deposited (CVD) wafer. The left column is wavelength (μm); the middle column is n, or the real part of the complex refractive index; the right column is k, or the imaginary part of the complex refractive index.

grysicpa.dat is tab delimited text of the optical constants for gray (6H-) α-SiC powder, extraordinary ray (E parallel to c). The left column is wavelength (μm); the middle column is n, or the real part of the complex refractive index; the right column is k, or the imaginary part of the complex refractive index.

grysicpe.dat is tab delimited text of the optical constants for gray (6H-) α-SiC powder, ordinary ray (E perpendicular to c). The left column is wavelength (μm); the middle column is n, or the real part of the complex refractive index; the right column is k, or the imaginary part of the complex refractive index.

moisicpa.dat is tab delimited text of the optical constants for a moissanite gemstone (6H-SiC), extraordinary ray (E parallel to c). The left column is wavelength (μm); the middle column is n, or the real part of the complex refractive index; the right column is k, or the imaginary part of the complex refractive index.

moisicpe.dat is tab delimited text of the optical constants for a moissanite gemstone (6H-SiC), ordinary ray (E perpendicular to c). The left column is wavelength (μm); the middle column is n, or the real part of the complex refractive index; the right column is k, or the imaginary part of the complex refractive index.

Description of High Resolution Files:

betaSiC_refl.txt is tab delimited text of the laboratory reflectance spectrum (λ = 2.5-988 μm) of the (3C-) β-SiC chemical vapor deposited (CVD) wafer. The left column is wavenumber (units: 1/cm) and the right column is reflectance.

betaSiC_nk_1osc_hires.txt is tab delimited text of the classical dispersion analysis corresponding to betaSiC_refl.txt (assumes 1 oscillator is required to fit the reflectance data). From left to right, columns are: frequency, real part of dielectric function, imaginary part of dielectric function, imaginary part of 1/dielectric function, reflectivity (0-1), absorption coefficient (1/cm), n, k, conductivity. Only the frequency column has units (1/cm).

grayalphaSiC_E_par_c_refl.txt is tab delimited text of the laboratory reflectance spectrum (λ = 2.5-988 μm) of gray (6H-) α-SiC powder, extraordinary ray. The left column is wavenumber (units: 1/cm) and the right column is reflectance.

grayalphaSiC_E_par_c_nk_1osc_hires.txt, grayalphaSiC_E_par_c_nk_4osc_hires.txt are tab delimited text of the classical dispersion analysis corresponding to grayalphaSiC_E_par_c_refl.txt (assumes 1 or 4 oscillators are required to fit the reflectance data). From left to right, columns are: frequency, real part of dielectric function, imaginary part of dielectric function, imaginary part of 1/dielectric function, reflectivity (0-1), absorption coefficient (1/cm), n, k, conductivity. Only the frequency column has units (1/cm).

grayalphaSiC_E_perp_c_refl.txt is tab delimited text of the laboratory reflectance spectrum (λ = 2.5-988 μm) of gray (6H-) α-SiC powder, ordinary ray. The left column is wavenumber (units: 1/cm) and the right column is reflectance.

grayalphaSiC_E_perp_c_nk_1osc_hires.txt, grayalphaSiC_E_perp_c_nk_2osc_hires.txt is tab delimited text of the classical dispersion analysis corresponding to grayalphaSiC_E_perp_c_refl.txt (assumes 1 or 2 oscillators are required to fit the reflectance data). From left to right, columns are: frequency, real part of dielectric function, imaginary part of dielectric function, imaginary part of 1/dielectric function, reflectivity (0-1), absorption coefficient (1/cm), n, k, conductivity. Only the frequency column has units (1/cm).

moissanite_E_par_c_refl.txt is tab delimited text of the laboratory reflectance spectrum (λ = 2.5-988 μm) of the moissanite gemstone (6H-SiC), extraordinary ray. The left column is wavenumber (units: 1/cm) and the right column is reflectance.

moissanite_E_par_c_nk_1osc_hires.txt is tab delimited text of the classical dispersion analysis corresponding to moissanite_E_par_c_refl.txt (assumes 1 oscillator is required to fit the reflectance data). From left to right, columns are: frequency, real part of dielectric function, imaginary part of dielectric function, imaginary part of 1/dielectric function, reflectivity (0-1), absorption coefficient (1/cm), n, k, conductivity. Only the frequency column has units (1/cm).

moissanite_E_perp_c_refl.txt is tab delimited text of the laboratory reflectance spectrum (λ = 2.5-988 μm) of the moissanite gemstone (6H-SiC), ordinary ray. The left column is wavenumber (units: 1/cm) and the right column is reflectance.

moissanite_E_perp_c_nk_1osc_hires.txt, moissanite_E_perp_c_nk_4osc_hires.txt is tab delimited text of the classical dispersion analysis corresponding to moissanite_E_perp_c_refl.txt (assumes 1 oscillator is required to fit the reflectance data). From left to right, columns are: frequency, real part of dielectric function, imaginary part of dielectric function, imaginary part of 1/dielectric function, reflectivity (0-1), absorption coefficient (1/cm), n, k, conductivity. Only the frequency column has units (1/cm).

© 2008. All rights reserved.
Karly M. Pitman
Department of Earth, Environmental, & Planetary Sciences
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA